30 builds in 30 days

Posted by HTML-Kit Support August 29, 2013

Status: completed on 06-Sep-2013

Note that the build number doesn't reflect build date in this case. If you speak Dutch, Gerard has been kindly updating the Dutch translation for each build.

  • Day 30: Build 20130819 posted on 06-Sep-2013 -- Replace in all open documents. To try this feature, press Ctrl+H, fill in the fields and click "Replace in Open Documents."

  • Day 29: Build 20130818 posted on 05-Sep-2013 -- Find in all open documents. To try this feature, press Ctrl+F, enter some text to find and click "Find in Open Documents." Supports searching as plain text, regex and various attributes.

  • Day 28: Build 20130817 posted on 04-Sep-2013 -- Ctrl+Enter option for converting selected LESS code to CSS. To try this feature, type some LESS code (such as ".one { font-weight:bold; .two { color:blue; } }" without quotes), select it and press Ctrl+Enter. Ctrl+Enter option for converting selected CoffeeScript code to JavaScript. To try this feature, type some CoffeeScript (such as "a = (b) -> b * b" without quotes), select it and press Ctrl+Enter.

  • Day 27: Build 20130816 posted on 03-Sep-2013 -- Option for converting CoffeeScript to JavaScript. Also supports converting selected CoffeeScript block to JavaScript. To try this feature, open a *.coffee file and click "Convert to JavaScript" on the bottom.

  • Day 26: Build 20130815 posted on 02-Sep-2013 -- Option for converting LESS to CSS. To use this option, open a *.less style sheet and click "Convert to CSS" on the bottom.

  • Day 25: Build 20130814 posted on 01-Sep-2013 -- Option for compressing HTML by removing extra whitespace, comments, etc. To try this feature, open a *.html file and click compress on the bottom.

  • Day 24: Build 20130813 posted on 31-Aug-2013 -- Check CSS for typos and common errors. To use this feature, open a *.css file and click "Validate CSS" option on the bottom. Also supports validating only the selected CSS.

  • Day 23: Build 20130812 posted on 30-Aug-2013 -- Check the quality of JavaScript code using popular JSLint tool written by Douglas Crockford. To use this feature, open a *.js file and click "Validate JavaScript" on the bottom.

  • Day 22: Build 20130811 posted on 29-Aug-2013 -- Reworked preview resolution picker on "Preview" tab to make it easier to find and try out various options. Preview window's current resolution is highlighted. Speed optimizations.

  • Day 21: Build 20130810 posted on 28-Aug-2013 -- List of common screen/device resolutions that can be applied to the preview window. To try this feature, open an HTML document, click Preview and click "width x height" label on the bottom. Dimensions are automatically applied as you move the mouse pointer. UI theme, application size/location, and language settings are remembered between TreeHouse builds and updates. This applies to future builds installed over this one (20130810). Hide and show the Actions Bar using icon next to the "Help" menu.

  • Day 20: Build 20130809 posted on 27-Aug-2013 -- Both width and height of the preview window can now be changed to test how your pages look in various screen sizes. Pixel markers at 10th, 50th and 100th increments can be used as guides when resizing. The adjusted size of the preview is displayed on the status bar next to line and column numbers.

  • Day 19: Build 20130808 posted on 26-Aug-2013 -- Ability to convert the selected text, optionally with Markdown formatting, to HTML. To try this feature, enter some text, press Ctrl+Enter and select "Convert selected Markdown text to HTML." For some examples of Markdown text, select "File > New > HTML document from plain text."

  • Day 18: Build 20130807 posted on 25-Aug-2013 -- The icon for toggling full-screen mode (next to the Kit menu on the right-hand side of the menu bar) now displays a drop-down with more options. F11 key still takes you in and out of full-screen mode. Option for changing the color of modified indicator on document tabs under "Edit > Preferences > Appearance > General > Modified indicator color"

  • Day 17: Build 20130806 posted on 24-Aug-2013 -- "File > New > New multiple files" menu option for easily creating multiple files. When you start a new page or a site, you often have to create more than a single *.html file. With this option, you can enter a list of files you want to create (index.html, style.css and script.js for example) and open them with proper colorizing. The new documents have the entered file names as well (not untitled...) for quickly saving using Ctrl+S.

  • Day 16: Build 20130805 posted on 23-Aug-2013 -- Create multiple selections and change text in those selections all at once. Hold the Ctrl key down and double click some text. Repeat two or more times. Now when you type, text in all selections will change at the same time. Pressing Escape returns to single-selection mode.

  • Day 15: Build 20130804 posted on 22-Aug-2013 -- Quickly change the width of preview area to test how your pages fit in various screen sizes found in smart phones, tablets and other devices. Especially useful when testing responsive design. To try this feature, open a HTML document, press F12 and move the right-hand edge of the preview window.

  • Day 14: Build 20130803 posted on 21-Aug-2013 -- Experimental support for beautifying HTML. To try this feature, open a HTML file (not a PHP or other type of file that also contain HTML) and click Beautify HTML option on the bottom. Check HTML markup before and after, using a tools such as HTML Tidy (F9).

  • Day 13: Build 20130802 posted on 20-Aug-2013 -- Reduce the size of CSS with a single click. To use this feature, open a .css file and click Minify CSS option on the bottom. The minified CSS will open in a new window with the *.min.css extension. The "" used to indicate modified status has been removed in favor of new flag icon.

  • Day 12: Build 20130801 posted on 19-Aug-2013 -- Image Picker](http://www.htmlkit.com/blog/image-picker-2011-10/) now supports inserting images as data URIs. To use this feature, hold the Shift key down while selecting an image.

  • Day 11: Build 20130731 posted on 18-Aug-2013 -- Improved the way document tabs display the "modified" status. In addition to the new flag icon, the modified indicators turn red when the mouse is over document tabs. Quick Look feature can be temporarily disabled by holding the Shift key down while clicking files in project windows.

  • Day 10: Build 20130730 posted on 17-Aug-2013 -- Quickly insert place-holder images of any size and color for testing page layouts. For example, type "50x50-red" without quotes and press Ctrl+Enter.

  • Day 9: Build 20130729 posted on 16-Aug-2013 -- Speed improvements related to opening documents and split-preview (Ctrl+F12).

  • Day 8: Build 20130728 posted on 15-Aug-2013 -- Quickly view file content without explicitly opening each file. To use this feature, open a project window and single-click on a local file. That file and other files you click on (or select using Up/Down arrow keys) will open for a quick look and automatically close when not in use.

  • Day 7: Build 20130727 posted on 14-Aug-2013 -- Option for Minifying JavaScript using UglifyJS2 plugin. Minified version opens in a *.min.js editor window.

  • Day 6: Build 20130726 posted on 13-Aug-2013 -- Option for Beautifying JavaScript. Improvements and fixes related to Screen Capture utility.

  • Day 5: Build 20130725 posted on 12-Aug-2013 -- Updated HTML-Kit Slides data format, which can now be exported to HTML as ready-to-deploy presentations on websites. Ctrl+PrintScreen shortcut for invoking Screen Capture utility.

  • Day 4: Build 20130724 posted on 11-Aug-2013 -- Diff colorizer, Ctrl+] and Ctrl+[ shortcuts for selecting markup

  • Day 3: Build 20130723 posted on 10-Aug-2013 -- CoffeeScript and PowerShell colorizers

  • Day 2: Build 20130722 posted on 9-Aug-2013 -- YAML colorizer, easily create HTML-Kit slideshows

  • Day 1: Build 20130721 posted on 8-Aug-2013 -- Screen Capture utility

The crazy goal

I, your humble HTML-Kit programmer, have a summer goal. I want to try and post a new build/update of HTML-Kit Tools every day for the next 30 days.

Of course it's not humanly possible (no I'm not a robot, Bill!) to release amazing new features every 24 hours so don't expect that.

Most builds will have incremental improvements, mixed in with experiments supporting new and popular web technologies. These will be posted and discussed on the TreeHouse forum/newsgroup. You'll be able to download test builds from your User Assistant page (downloads require a registration).

I need your help, as in pressure, to stay on this goal! Nudge me if it's 11 PM in Florida and no sign of build-of-the-day. But also please reward this Pavlov's Dog for sleepless nights of coding by posting your feedback on the forum or social network of your choice (HTML-Kit is on these).

-- Chami, "famous last words," 8-Aug-2013

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