HTML-Kit Tools update 20120815 is now available to all registered users.
Project window with sleek redesign (scroll down for more)

- Project window has a sleek redesign that reduces clutter and blends in with the selected color theme.
- Action Buttons that used to appear below each folder in project window now appear next to each folder. This frees up more space to view folders and files. The new Action Buttons appear as the mouse pointer hovers over folders.
- New File dialog on project window now shows an option to create files using text from the Clipboard.
- Officially supports running on the final released version (RTM) of Windows 8 desktop.
- Updated the look of the Actions Bar, Channel tabs and New/Open/Save icons on the top left-hand side.
- Document Label Color, which is configured in project windows and folders, now show up on the document tab and the bottom of the editor window.
- Fixed an issue where the Image Picker window showed up on the wrong monitor, when Tools is not on the primary monitor of a multi-monitor configuration.
Action Buttons appear next to the folder

Updated look of the Actions Bar

Create new files from Clipboard content

Official support for running on Windows 8 desktop

Image Picker window

Thank you TreeHouse!