HTML-Kit Tools update 20121101 is now available to all registered users.

- Read source code more easily with new font options -- Source Code Pro and DejaVu Sans Mono. Makes similar looking characters, such as 1, l, i, | and O, o, 0, more legible.
- Support for Emmet coding (previously called Zen Coding). To test this feature, type h1+div#content>ul#mylinks>li3>a[href]{Link $} and press Ctrl+E. Can also be used to expand individual tags as well: type ul>li5 and press Ctrl+E.
- Touchscreen Plugins for using your smartphones and tablets to access HTML-Kit Tools plugins.
- Ctrl+Enter keyboard shortcut now offers multiple options, including the previous >br /< shortcut and Emmet/Zen Coding expansion.
- Incremental Search dialog (Ctrl+F) now has an option to toggle Case Sensitive matching.
- Dutch, German and Italian translations written by Gerard, Martin and Luca, have been updated to the latest releases in the setup.
- Improved document tabs so that they stay the same size while switching, reducing the chances of accidentally clicking the next tab.
Comparison of coding fonts in HTML-Kit Tools

HTML-Kit Touchscreen plugins on iOS (iPod Touch)

HTML-Kit Touchscreen plugins on Android (Samsung Galaxy Tab)

HTML-Kit Touchscreen plugins on BlackBerry OS (BlackBerry Playbook)

Document tabs with consistent tab sizes

Thank you TreeHouse!