HTML-Kit Tools update 20131106 is now available to all registered users.
- Search in all open documents. To use this feature, press Ctrl+F, enter some text to find and click "Find in Open Documents." Supports searching as plain text, regex and various attributes.
- Replace in all open documents. To use this feature, press Ctrl+H, fill in the fields and click "Replace in Open Documents."
Create multiple selections in the editor, and change text in those selections all at once. Hold the Ctrl key down and double click some text ("Edit > Select > Create multiple selections"). Repeat to make more selections. Type some text to update all selections at once. To insert a single piece of text at multiple locations at the same time, hold the Ctrl key down, left-click each target location and then type the text. Press Escape to return to single-selection mode.
Easily change preview resolution, to test how your pages look in various screen sizes found in smart phones, tablets and other devices. Especially useful for testing responsive design. To use this feature, open a HTML document, press F12 and click preview monitor icon on the bottom. Dimensions are automatically applied as you move mouse pointer over the presets.
Rulers for adjusting the size of preview window and for taking approximate measurements. To use this feature, open a HTML document, press F12 and hover over the rulers. Pixel markers at 10th, 50th and 100th increments can be used as guides when resizing. The adjusted size of the preview is displayed on the Status Bar, next to line and column numbers.
Redesigned User Interface Theme picker makes it easier to try out color themes, colorizer styles and font settings in real-time, without having to go through preferences dialog. To use this feature, open a document and click the UI Theme icon on the menu bar (near "Help" menu).
- Thin large font for a more comfortable viewing of code on high resolution monitors. To find the font setting most suitable for your display, open a document and click User Interface Theme icon on the menu bar (near the "Help" menu). Then hover over a font to view the current document in that font.
View file content without explicitly opening files in project windows. To use this feature, open a project window and single-click on a local file. Each file you click on, or select using Up/Down arrow keys, will open for a quick look. To temporarily disable this feature, hold the Shift key down while clicking files. To keep it disabled, use the "Edit > Preferences > Projects > Provide a quick look when selecting files" option.
Quickly create multiple documents using the "File > New > New multiple files" main menu option. This feature can be used, for example, to create index.html, style.css and script.js files in one pass instead of creating them separately.
- Option for inserting place-holder images of any size and color for testing page layouts. To generate an image, press Ctrl+Enter and select "Create place-holder image."
Image Picker now supports inserting images as data URIs ("data:image/png;base64"). To use this feature, hold the Shift key down while selecting an image from the Image Picker (invoked from the top right-hand corner of the menu bar). For browser compatibility reasons, only images smaller than 64K can be made data URIs.
Screen Capture Utility for taking screenshots of work in progress, for example, to get feedback from users and clients. To use this feature, click the camera icon on the top right-hand corner of the menu bar and select "Capture Selected Area (Ctrl+PrintScreen)." Select the area to capture and double click (or press Enter) to save.
Screen Capture Utility can also be used for creating slide shows to demo your pages and apps, or even to create demos of HTML-Kit Tools itself. To get started, use the "Start capturing for slide show" option on Screen Capture Utility menu. The slide shows can be exported as simple HTML as well as fully functional reveal.js slides.
Document tabs now use a more noticeable flag icon to indicate modified status. Previously, a "*" was used as the indicator. The color of modified flag can be customized under "Edit > Preferences > Appearance > Misc > Modified indicator color."
- Actions Bar can be toggled on and off, using the new icon next to newsfeed icon on the menu bar.
- New Line Ending Picker. This redesigned picker appears when clicking line ending mode label (Windows, UNIX or Mac Classic) on the Status Bar, and temporarily turns on line ending character display in the editor.
- When character encoding indicator is enabled ("Edit > Preferences > Files > Show file encoding on the Status Bar"), clicking that label on the Status Bar brings up a new Character Encoding Picker. The current encoding is displayed in a bold font.
- Project label color on document tabs changed from a rectangle to the project window icon (displayed in label color).
- "Help > Check for Updates" and "Tools > Install Plugins" windows now have a consistent look on various versions of Windows.
- User Interface theme, application window size/location, and language settings are remembered between general releases as well as TreeHouse builds. This takes effect for updates installed over this update.
Remembers the last used profile between sessions. When a profile is selected from "Kit > Profile" menu, that profile remains active during restarts until a new profile is selected. To reset to the default profile, select "Kit > Profile > Default" from the main menu. If a profile is specified on the command line, that profile is used instead of the last used profile.
Experimental support for beautifying HTML. To use this feature, open a plain HTML file (not a PHP or other type of file with non-HTML code), and click "Beautify HTML" option on the bottom. Checking HTML markup for errors is highly recommended, using a tool such as HTML Tidy (F9), before and after beautifying.
Reduce the size of HTML files by removing extra whitespace and comments. To use this feature, open a plain HTML file and click "Minify HTML" option on the bottom.
Check for typos and common erros in CSS. To use this feature, open a *.css file and click "Validate CSS" option on the bottom. To validate a portion of CSS, select a block of CSS before invoking this option.
Reduce the size of *.css files by minifying CSS. To use this feature, open a *.css file and click "Minify CSS" option on the bottom. The minified CSS opens in a new editor window with the *.min.css extension, ready to be saved.
Beautify JavaScript. To use this feature, open a JavaScript file and click "Beautify JavaScript" option on the bottom. Select a block of JavaScript code before invoking this option to beautify portion of JavaScript.
- Check the quality of JavaScript code using the popular JSLint tool written by Douglas Crockford. To use this feature, open a *.js file and click "Validate JavaScript" option on the bottom.
Reduce the size of *.js files by minimizing JavaScript. To use this feature, open a JavaScript file and click "Minify JavaScript" option on the bottom. The minified version opens in a *.min.js editor window, ready to be saved.
Option for converting plain text and text with Markdown formatting to HTML. To use this feature, select some text, press Ctrl+Enter and invoke "Convert selected Markdown text to HTML." For examples of Markdown text, select "File > New > HTML document from plain text" from the main menu.
Option for converting LESS style files to CSS. To use this feature, open a LESS style sheet (*.less) and click "Convert to CSS" on the bottom.
Ctrl+Enter option for converting selected LESS styles to CSS. To see this in action, type some LESS code (such as ".one { font-weight:bold; .two { color:blue; } }" without quotes), select it and press Ctrl+Enter.
Option for converting CoffeeScript files to JavaScript. To use this feature, open a *.coffee file and click "Convert to JavaScript" on the bottom. Also supports converting only the selected block of CoffeeScript code to JavaScript.
Ctrl+Enter option for converting selected CoffeeScript code to JavaScript. To try this feature, type some CoffeeScript code (such as "a = (b) -> b * b" without quotes), select it and press Ctrl+Enter.
Initial support for colorizing CoffeeScript files (*.coffee).
- Initial support for colorizing YAML files (*.yaml).
- Initial support for colorizing Diff files (*.diff).
Initial support for colorizing PowerShell files (*.ps1).
Faster startup. These speed optimizations should be noticeable after the initial installation of updates.
- Speed improvements related to opening documents and split preview (Ctrl+F12).
- Smoother rendering of line numbers.
- "Select Next Attribute (Ctrl+])" and "Select Previous Attribute (Ctrl+[)" options on "Edit" menu for navigating markup.
- Improved F4 keyboard shortcut, which can be used to toggle between the current editor window and the project window.
- Updated Opera browser options on "View > Preview" menu to support the latest versions of Opera.
- HTML Tidy tab is no longr displayed for non-HTML files.
Thank you TreeHouse!