Ability to underline spelling errors in the background or on demand by selecting "Tools | Spelling..." (F7 shortcut key). To correct underlined errors, right click and select the correct spelling or select "Spelling..." for additional suggestions.
Since slower machines may take a long time to run background spell checks when working with large documents, by default HTML-Kit will not enable live spell checking on documents larger than the size specified under "Edit | Preferences... | Proofing." Live spell checking can be toggled on/off using Alt+F7. The status bar will display the code "SP" when live spell checking is on.
The "Submit" button in the spell check dialog box will allow easy submission of technical and other words that are correctly spelled but not included in the main dictionaries.
The dictionary files required to enable spell checking is not included in the standard installation due to file size considerations. Once the necessary files are downloaded, you will not have to update the dictionaries every time HTML-Kit is upgraded.