Is there a way to invoke HTML Tidy with a config file using a keyboard shortcut?
Edit | Preferences | Tidy" from the main menu. However, in some cases it may be easier to use a custom configuration file instead of changing the default settings.
Run with custom config file" option on the Tidy drop-down menu (or the "
Actions | Tools | HTML Tidy | Run with custom config file" main menu option) can be used to run HTML Tidy with a custom configuration. The number of steps required to run Tidy with a custom configuration can be reduced by creating a keyboard shortcut.
Actions | Tools | HTML Tidy | Run with custom config file" action to a keyboard shortcut such as "Shift+F9".
Tools | Customize | Customize Keyboard Shortcuts" from the main menu.
Add" button.
Shortcut Key" field.
Action" radio button.
Add" button.
OK" button to close the "
Shortcut Key" dialog.
OK" button to close the "
Keyboard Shortcuts" customization dialog.
Actions | Tools | HTML Tidy | Run with custom config file" action.
Save Config" button under "
Edit | Preferences | Tidy".
Tidy" preferences tab), save the following line to a file named and select it while invoking Tidy.