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HTML Kit Plugins Directory

Keywords : SVGHome > Plugins > Keywords > SVG
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Although the "keywords" META tag doesn't carry as much weight as it once did, the search engines still look at it. This plugin generates keywords from the most frequently used words in the current document.
Got JSP? Access the bean IDs with a drop of a list. This is one of the series of JSP related plugins written by Eric Glass for making it easier to edit standard tags, lookup Taglib directives and invoke online / offline help for JSP keywords.
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aaHelpSVG, hkSVG, mmSVG
Scalable Vector Graphics is an emerging standard that may change the way graphics and interactive animation is delivered on the Web. This plugin makes it easier to refer to the W3C SVG specification while editing SVG documents.
Plugin to make it easier to create SVG files. The elements and properties have been organized in different menus, each menu being dedicated to a specific broad theme: "text", "shapes", "filters", "animation" e...
Menu of SVG tags and attributes to support W3C's Scalable Vector Graphics 1.0 Specification (04-Sep-2001 Recommendation).