This plugin makes it possible to preview the content in the current file using the Netscape/Mozilla Gecko engine. Mozilla 1.0 Release Candidate 2 or higher must be installed and properly configured before using this plugin. Note that HTML-Kit Build 292 Beta 4 or higher users do not need this plugin, simply change to the Preview tab and click the "[Gecko]" button to enable the internal Explorer and Gecko side-by-side preview mode.
To make sure that the Mozilla Control is registered, open a DOS box, change to the Mozilla 1.x/Netscape 6.x directory, run "regsvr32 mozctl.dll" followed by "regsvr32 mozctlx.dll" (without quotes). Also make sure that the same directory is in the system PATH. Once the control is successfully registered and the browser path is added to the system PATH, install the plugin and click its icon on the "Tools" tab to invoke the Gecko preview window. A keyboard shortcut can be assigned to the plugin using the "Tools | Customize | Keyboard Shortcuts | Actions" main menu option to make it easier to invoke the gecko preview.