Adds options for transforming and previewing documents with XSLT stylesheets.
"Preview with the last XSLT stylesheet" and "Preview with a new XSLT stylesheet" options can be used to preview the current document with a specific XSLT stylesheet.
"Transform with the last XSLT stylesheet" and "Transform with a new XSLT stylesheet" options can be used to transform the current document with a specific XSLT stylesheet and view the result in the Output window.
"Preview RSS with the default XSLT stylesheet" and "Transform RSS with the default XSLT stylesheet" options can be used to quickly preview or transform a RSS news feed using the built-in stylesheet.
RSS related options make it easier to generate HTML from any RSS feed, which could then be included in regular web pages.
To preview the current document with an XSLT stylesheet: click the plugin icon and, if prompted, select the *.xslt file to use. Once an XSLT stylesheet is specified, the plugin will use that as the default XSLT stylesheet to avoid having to select one every time. A new stylesheet can be specified using options on the plugin drop-down menu.
To convert a RSS feed to HTML: open the RSS feed document and select "Transform RSS" (or "Preview RSS") from the plugin's drop-down menu.
To test RSS to HTML transformation: select "File | Open URL" from HTML-Kit's main menu. Enter "" without quotes and click "OK" (make sure that "Include HTTP headers" is not checked). Once the RSS feed opens in a new document, select "Preview RSS" from the plugin's drop-down menu. To get the HTML code generated from the RSS feed, use the "Transform RSS" option.
• Automated Installation: (What's This?)To install, enter hkpreviewwithxslt in the Updates tab.• Manual Installation:
Download the "hkPreviewWithXSLT" plugin and save it to a folder of your choice (for example, c:\webfiles\). It's not necessary to manually extract the *.zip file, HTML-Kit will expand it to the proper folder during the installation.
Select "Install | Install Plugin" from HTML-Kit's "Tools" menu. Point to the downloaded *.zip file and click "Open."
If any additional prompts appear, follow them to complete the installation.
How do I run it?
hkPreviewWithXSLT's icon will appear on the "Style" tab on HTML-Kit's Actions Bar. It can also be invoked from the "Actions | Style" sub menu.
Whats' the quickest way to uninstall hkPreviewWithXSLT?
Right click the hkPreviewWithXSLT icon on the Actions Bar and select "Uninstall." Alternatively, the "Tools | Install | Uninstall Plugins" menu option in HTML-Kit can be used to uninstall this and other plugins.
Do I need the exact versions of software listed under the Requirements?
The versions listed are the minimum versions required by this plugin. For example, a plugin that requires HTML-Kit Build 290 will run on HTML-Kit Build 292 as well.
What's the best way to check which version of HTML-Kit I'm using?
The build number can be found on the "About" dialog, which is located on HTML-Kit's "Help" menu.
Is it necessary to install the .NET Framework and how do I get it?
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