+ Shift+Alt+F2 keyboard shortcut for collapsing/expanding code folding (more options under "Edit > Cold Folding")
# Known issues: Code folding doesn't respond to mouse clicks. Shift+Alt+F2 keyboard shortcut and "Edit > Cold Folding" menu options can be used to manage code folding
+ Initial support for code folding in HTML, XHTML and XML files
+ Colorizing for stand-alone JavaScript files. Also supports code folding. To test, open a *.js file with functions and use the folding marks next to the line numbers
+ Improved colorizing and code folding for PHP and JavaScript blocks inside HTML files
+ Option for saving in original line ending format ("File > Save Extra > Save in Original Line Ending")
+ Colorizing for *.php files. Also visible in the "File > Open" dialog
+ Several speed optimizations. Most notably, typing speed in editor windows is improved
+ The current language/translation ("Kit > Language") is remembered between sessions. Items that aren't dynamically updated will be updated during the next startup. "Kit > Restart" can be
used for this
+ "Edit > Paste Plus" menu for quickly converting or applying a function to the copied text before pasting it. Includes options for converting text to HTML with paragraphs or <br /> line
endings. Markup characters (< > " ' &) as well as special characters can be converted to HTML entitites. To test, copy a block of plain text with special characters (inside or outside of
HTML-Kit), select "Edit > Paste Plus > HTML Text" and click OK
+ "File > Recent Files > Open Last File" menu option for opening the last opened file (in the current session or the last session)
+ To make it easier to work with files with common name+ext (such as index.html and default.htm), if more than one file with the same name+ext is opened (from different directories), the files
are displayed with extra [2], [3], [4], ..., in the file name display in editor tabs and other related window titles
+ When closing all open files ("File > Close > Close All"), moves modified files to the front of the list of files being closed. This gives a chance to cancel closing rest of the files,
before files that were already saved automatically starts to close. In previous versions files were closed in opened order.
+ "File > Close > Close Saved Files" menu option for closing all open files except the modified files
+ "File > Save All" and "File > Save Modified Files" menu options display the count of files that'd get saved. "File > Close > Close All" and "File > Close > Close Saved Files"
display the number of files that'd get closed
+ Additional messages on the Status Bar when opening and saving files
+ "Edit > Code Folding" menu with options for expanding, collapsing and toggling the folded section at the cursor, folded sections in the selected block of lines and all folded sections in the
current document. To test, open a *.css file, collapse a few folded sections and apply "Edit > Code Folding" menu options
+ "File > Save" menu option displays the document name that's related to "Save," "Save As" and "Save To" commands. A '*' is added to the end of the name if the document was modified since the
last save
# To reduce the number of menu options on the "File" menu, moved "New from Clipboard," "New from File" and "New from URL" that used to be on "File > New Extra" to "File > New." Other minor
menu rearrangements
+ "Insert from File" and "Insert from URL" options on the "File > Insert" menu for inserting text snippets into the current document from a file or an URL
+ Save the selected text using "File > Save Extra > Save Selection As"
+ Save the current document ("File > Save Extra > Save Copy in ...") or the current selection ("File > Save Extra > Save Selection in ...") with Windows, UNIX or Mac line endings
+ Menu options that require some text to be selected to function, such as "Edit > Copy" and "File > Save Extra > Save Selection As," are enabled and disabled depending on whether there's
a selection or not
+ Undo and Redo commands on the "Edit" menu are enabled/disabled based on the undo stack. "Edit > Paste" is enabled/disabled based on the clipboard content
# Removed "E" keyboard accelerator from most "Edit ..." menu options to save that keyboard accelerator key for other menu options
+ Save all open files using "File > Save All" or save only the modified files using "File > Save Extra > Save All Modified Files"
+ Make a copy of the current document using "File > Save Extra > Save Copy To," optionally with the date/time stamp provided by default, without changing the current document status
+ "File > Open Extra" with options for viewing the list of recently opened files, arranaged by file type and the file location/folder
+ "File > Close > Close All" for closing all open files. The ESC key or the Cancel button can be used to stop closing the remaing files
# Moved "File > Close" to the "File > Close" sub menu with other related commands
+ Speed improvements in the editor
+ "File > Recent Files" for opening most recently opened files. The files are categorizes by the last opened date, under "Today," "Last 7 Days," "Last 30 Days" and more. Items display the
system file icon if one is available
+ Many commonly used menu items on the "Edit" menu and sub menus on it including "Edit > Navigate," "Edit > Select," and "Edit > Delete"
+ Menu items that require an editor window to be open are enabled/disabled depending on whether an editor is open or not
+ Editor line pointer improvements
+ New GoTo dialog ("Edit > Goto Shortcuts > Goto" menu option or the Ctrl+G key). In addition to being able to go to a line number or a relative line, this implementation has a unique goto
as-you-type feature which makes it easier to view the target line while typing. This also makes it easier to adjust the line number if necessary and view lines near the target line. Another addition
is the ability to go to a particular column as well as a line with a single goto command. The blue icon inidiciates a valid location and the red icon indicates a location that doesn't exist or
outside the document
+ The GoTo dialog can be used to incrementally search for text and go to the first match. The matching line is displayed/indiciated in real-time
+ "Edit > Goto Shortcuts" for quickly locating pre-defined items. For example, this can be used to quickly get to the <title>...</title> text or find other tags/text in the
document. Optionally, the match can be bookmarked for future use. Can be handy when working with large documents and documents created by others
+ Editor bookmarks that can be cycled through using F2 and Shift+F2 keys ("Edit > Bookmarks"). The limitation on the maximum number of bookmarks (10 in HTML-Kit Build 292) no longer applies.
Ctrl+F2 key or "Edit > Bookmarks > Toggle Bookmark" menu option can be used to create a new bookmark for the current line, or to remove existing bookmarks. "Edit > Bookmarks > Clear All
Bookmarks" option for removing all editor bookmarks
+ Templates and snippets that can move the cursor using the '|' character after setting movecursor=1. For an example, see the "File > New > HTML 4.01 Strict" template
! Fixed file extension recognition to colorize CSS files with extensions *.css, *.css1, *.css2, and *.css3. Files with any of these extensions should be colorized with code folding as they did in
earlier alphas
# Moved "Actions > My Plugins..." to "Tools > HTML Plugins..."
+ Ability to easily list/delist plugins, templates, translations, and other similar items without deleting the actual item. This feature can be used to hide a plugin from the Actions Bar or not
display a snippet on the menu, without deleting the items from the manager. To test, open the templates (or similar) manager, uncheck the item to delist and click OK. The unchecked item will be
hidden until it's checked again
+ Faster closing of manager windows when the content is not modified
+ Plugins, templates, profiles and other items can be duplicated or cloned for easily creating new items based on existing items. Also provides options for automatically updating the date stamp
and the hkp-upid of new items
+ Added options for exporting and importing plugins, templates and similar items to and from regular files to manager dialogs
+ "View > Preview in Browser" menu for previewing the current document in one of the external browsers. This feature also makes it possible to perform other browser related tasks such as
viewing the DOM and JavaScript Console
+ Supports predefined fields (such as current document path, name and extension), and custom fields
+ "View > Preview in Browser > Preview in Last Opened Browser" (F8 key) provides a convenient way to repeat preview in the selected browser, without having to change system's default
+ External programs can be opened, optionally with the current document, using the "Tools > Programs" menu
+ New Tidy interface with unique features, faster processing and better maintenance
+ Manage and easily switch between multiple Tidy configurations ("Tools > Tidy"). This avoids the need to modify the default Tidy preferences in order to change Tidy behavior. Instead of
modifying the default configuration, a new switchable configuration could be created
+ "Tidy" tab in the editor tab group for quickly running Tidy. F9 keyboard shortcut can also be used to run Tidy on the current document
+ Highlights tags/lines added/modified by Tidy for comparing the original document to the Tidied document. This feature uses a new diff function written for Tidy output
+ "Edit > Copy to Editor" option for copying text in the currently selected output tab (such as the Tidy tab) to the editor (Shift+F9 key)
+ Remembers the last selected Tidy configuration between sessions
+ Speed improvements related to templates, snippets and profiles. The difference is most noticeable after the first run
+ In addition to the main dialogs and windows, most sub dialogs are also able to remember the size and position between multiple invokes. To test, open the template manager and click "Add/New."
Move the new dialog and change its width by dragging the right hand side border. Close the dialog by clicking "Cancel" and open it again. The last size and position should be restored
+ "opt_htmlesc" option that can be used in custom input fields to convert the entered text to HTML-safe plain text
+ Most input boxes are updated to respond to Escape and Enter keys in addition to Cancel and OK buttons. Most dialog boxes are also able to handle the Escape key as a substitute for the Cancel
! Fixed handling of special characters in Linux file names (Bunny item #41)
+ Ability to maintain multiple profiles within a single installation. Each profile can have its own set of plugins, templates, snippets and settings. This feature makes it possible to easily
switch between different personalities of HTML-Kit Tools, for example, one for work, one for home use and one for school. To switch, create and edit profiles, select the "Kit" menu
+ The top portion of input boxes can display a title, description and/or image when available. The icon on the dialog box can display a custom icon if specified by the template, snippet, replace
shortcut, etc. The dialog box title updated to be more specific about the current action
+ Labels on some of the input boxes are right aligned to make it easier to locate the related input field
+ New "opt_regexesc" option that can be used in custom input fields to convert the entered text to regex-safe plain text
+ The ability to change the order of apperance of template, snippet and other similar items and sections. The new "sortkey" option in template/snippet items can be used to change the order of
appearance (instead of sorting by the name of the item). The "sectionsortkey" option can be used to change the order of sections
+ Added checkbox field type to template/snippet manager's "Append File" dialog
+ A few more icons on menu items and common buttons
+ Busy/wait cursor while preparing menus that take longer to initialize (such as templates/snippets sub menus)
! Fixed a bug that caused the Open File keyboard shortcut to trigger (and possibly had to do with earlier reports related to \n)
# Moved "New Document" option on the "File" menu to the top. "New" used to be the top menu option. With the addition of template thumbnails, the "File | New" option can take longer to open,
therefore the faster "New Document" option is more suitable to be closer to the top
+ Initial CSS colorizer with folding
+ Editor speed improvements
+ User interface tweaks
+ Handles plugin actions that include the cursor position indicator ('|'). Also makes it easier to undo the two parts in two separate steps. The first undo, after inserting a plugin action that
reposition the cursor, can undo the last part and the second undo can undo the first part
+ Interface for using and creating code snippets ("File | Insert")
+ Snippets manager ("File > Insert > More Snippets")
! Fixed separator line drawings on menus
+ "File > New Extra > New from Clipboard" main menu option for creating new documents using text in the system Clipboard
+ "File > New Extra > New from File" option for creating a new document based on text in the selected file. The selected file itself will not be opened for editing
+ "File > New Extra > New from URL" option for creating a new document based on a web page or text at a specific URL. Only the text at the specified URL will be opened
+ New flexible user interface for using and creating file templates ("File > New")
+ Template manager ("File > New > Manage Templates")
+ A single template can generate one or multiple files
+ Binary files such as images or any other file type related to the template can also be included in the same file
+ Custom fields that can easily be updated throughout one or more files in a template
+ The "Kit" menu now appears on the right hand side corner of the main menu
+ Added hkp-upid field to translations
+ Ability to easily install new templates. Please feel free to share your templates through the Template Manager
+ Initial templates for creating HTML 4.01 transitional, strict and frameset documents
# IMPORTANT NOTE: if you're upgrading from a previous alpha for Linux and if you have any important data in the settings.hsd file (such as any translations you may have created), open it in the
last alpha you've installed and copy the information before installing this alpha. Also, if you have important information in plugins.hsd and backup.hsd file, rename them to plugins.hsf and
backup.hsf before installing this alpha. This alpha renames these files as follows: plugins.hsd -> plugins.hsf , settings.hsd -> config.hsf , backup.hsd -> backup.hsf
+ Some optimizations to improve plugin load time
! Any typos/errors in the body of a HHP plugin will no longer affect its registration on the Actions Bar
! HHP virtual pages with duplicate names are ignored
+ Slightly shortened the length of default "Unititled" file names. The extra "-1", "-2", "-3", ... at the end are only added if it's necessary to make the new untitled name unique
+ A new feature that mark each modified line to make it easier to see which lines have been modified. The marks are cleared when the document is saved, until the next modification. Currently
undo/redo actions and block paste actions are ignored
+ Select All, Select Line, Select Word and Select Character options on "Edit > Select" menu
+ "View > Editor > Tab Size" menu with options for changing the tab size to 1, 2, 4 and 8
+ "View > Text Size" menu for quickly increasing and decreasing the overall size of editor fonts. The "Normal Text Size" option cancels these changes
+ Line and column number display on the Status Bar
+ Ability to create multiple virtual pages inside a single HTML-Kit HTML Plugin, and open them through regular links. This makes it possible to show a plugin in different views/styles, or create
tabbed interfaces for saving screenspace and organizing information. Until the details are documented, please see the demoVirtualPages plugin for how to use this new feature
! And another reworking of preview components
+ HTML-Kit File Version Manger is now able to keep previous versions of "virtual files" such as plugins and translations. Until customizable settings are added to the File Version Manger, to
control how often to save files for example, this will increase the size of the backup file if you're a plugin author. However, you'll have the ability to easily go back to previous versions of your
plugins and the File Version Manger is able to compress the files to reduce the overall size
+ Initial ability to translate plugins. This feature makes it possible for plugin authors to create a single version of a plugin that could be displayed in multiple languages. The translation
developers will then be able to translate plugins without having to modify the plugins (or in some cases, without even having to install the actual plugins). To tag text that should get translated,
enter the following tag in HTML-Kit HTML plugins: <?hk-tt "text that should be translated" ?> It's a somewhat bulky tag, but trying to stay within HTML/XHTML standards. The translatable text is
not automatically added to the localization manager at this time, but once the text is manually entered as "! text that should be translated" it can be translated like any other text
+ Most button labels now use HKT's translation when available, instead of the default translation provided by GTK+/Gnome
+ Improved and more specific message box titles and text. Safer message box prompts (defaults to the "No" or "Cancel" button when prompting to delete a file, for example)
! Fixed charenc error related to "Abriendo pgina"
+ Exposed more text and messages to the localization manager
# Reversed the way plugin names are displayed on plugin windows. For example, "MyPlugins > Doctypes" is now displayed as "Doctypes < MyPlugins" to make it easier to see the plugin name
first on the title bar of smaller windows
# Changed "Cancel" to "Close" on the "File Version Manager" dialog
# Changed "OK" to "Close" on "Check for Updates" and "Report a Problem" dialogs
# Changed tab label "Downloads" to "HTML-Kit Plugins"
! Another reworking of preview components
+ Reworked the Plugins Manager to have the look and feel of the Localization Manager and other similar dialogs
+ "Downloads" tab on the Plugins Manager can now be used to quickly download and install plugins over the web. Easy to use interface for both plugin developers and plugin users
+ "Downloads" tab on the Localization Manager dialog for easily downloading and contributing translations
+ Items on manager dialogs are sorted (A-Z)
+ Delete button on My Plugins Manager and Localization Manager gets enabled/disabled as items are added/deleted
+ Most buttons are disabled while the actions invoked by them are in progress
! Fixed bug in 20060620's "My Plugins Manager"
! Fixed colorizer issue when entering some special char combinations in "Localization Manager"
+ Items in the Localization Manager are sorted (applies to new translations)
# Changed "OK" to "Cancel" on the "File Version Manager" dialog
+ New version of HTML-Kit Localization Manger ("Tools > Localization Manger"). Built-in, easy-to-use interface for maintaining multiple translations with support for a much wider number of
+ Ability to quickly switch between multiple translations using the "Kit > Language" menu without having to restart
+ Special characters no longer have to be manually converted to HTML/XML entities
+ As text is added/changed in new versions, lists the missing translations at the bottom (with a date stamp)
+ Foundation for maintaining multiple file versions. This is now a core functionality of HKT. To test: open and save a few files, and select "File > Restore Version""
+ Initial synchronization with the Windows version, including the ability to share plugins, most data files and preferences
+ Ability to bring the Active Preview window to the front with the current document by pressing Ctrl+F8 or by selecting the related menu command
+ Remembers the last file open/save folder location withing the same session
+ The ESC key can now be used to cancel out of specific input and static dialogs
! PHP Colorizer color fixes
! Reworked input boxes to expand with the window and added missing borders
# Removed Gnome file system bindings from file save functions to see if it's possible to reproduce a reported segfault
# Reworked code for creating windows on Linux
# Changed Ctrl+Alt+N shortcut for "File > New Document" to Ctrl+Shift+N to avoid Alt key conflicts on different keyboard layouts
+ Initial HTML 4 and XHTML 1 colorizers, with support for JavaScript blocks
+ Initial PHP colorizer with PHP 5 functions
! Workaround for previewing special characters without specifying the character encoding in the document
! Removed the 'file not found' message box that appeared when saving a new file (this was a debug message)
! Reworked preview windows and the browser interface (needs more testing)
+ Ability to preview pages with images and other files in relative paths/folders (Preview Tab, Active Preview)
+ Convenient F12 keyboard shortcut for toggling between the editor and the preview. Also accessible from the "View > Editor" menu
+ Smoother, more responsive Active Preview. Instantly updates when a new file/tab is opened
+ Active Preview window now displays the related editor window name, to make it easier to work with multiple edit windows
+ New save mode that can restore file data if the file could not be updated
# Changed the default character encoding to ISO-8859-1. This can be changed to UTF-8 or other encoding on file open/save dialogs. TODO: global option for setting the default character
+ Character encodings (in addition to UTF-8): ISO-8859-1 and Windows-1252, UTF-16, UTF-32 and ASCII
+ Multi-file tab interface
+ Each file tab has a file icon, name/label and a close button
+ Modified indicator: The close button icon changes from the default color to a more visible red icon whenever the associated file is modified and the changes have not been saved
+ The file modified indicator can detect undo actions. If undo is used to restore document changes down to the last time it was saved, the modified indicator will disappear
+ "Save changes" prompts for file tabs, which also appear when closing the application without saving all open documents
+ Initial support for local and remote file operations with built-in support for Unicode UTF-8 and ISO-8859-15 character encoding. Supports advanced file mapping, such as WebDAV, through the
operating system GUI
+ "File > New Document" option (Ctrl+Alt+N) for creating a blank document. Untitled document names include the year, month, date and a number that increment with each new document in the
current session. This can make it easier to save temp untitled/new documents
+ "File > Open" menu option (Ctrl+O) for opening local and remote files. If a file that's already open is selected, the currently open copy will be focused
+ Displays an alert if the character encoding selected on the file open dialog differs from the file encoding (based on BOM)
+ Remembers the last selected File Type between file open/save dialogs, withing the session
+ Initial list of file types on file open/save dialogs
+ Option on file open/save dialogs for quickly selecting the character encoding. Currently supports Unicode UTF-8 and Western ISO-8859-15
+ "File > Save" menu option (Ctrl+S) for saving the current file to local and remote storage
+ "File > Save As" menu option, which is similar to the Save option except it prompts for a new file name and location
+ "File > Close" menu option (Ctrl+F4) for closing the current file
+ Memory optimizations
+ Speed improvements
! Untitled plugin name numbering always start with 1, instead of the last number
! Plugin actions with special characters or multiple lines now insert the correct snippet
# (todo: list changes)
+ Added ChangeLog under "Help > Check for Updates"
# (todo: list changes)
+ Checks if the system meets the minimum requirements before starting the program
! Reworked the About dialog to avoid problems when running on Ubuntu Dapper Drake
! Reworked Pixmap code (not tested)
+ Slightly more screenspace for Browser Window and Active Preview windows
+ Initial ability to run HTML-Kit on Linux with native GUI support
+ Tested on Fedora Core 5, SUSE 10.1, Ubuntu Breezy, and Ubuntu Dapper Drake Linux distributions
+ Basic editing in the Edit window
+ Preview tab for previewing content in the Edit window
+ Quick Tidy tab for quickly viewing editor content after running through HTML Tidy
+ Active Preview window (Ctrl+F8) for previewing the current document while editing
+ Internal Browser Window for opening pages within the program
+ About dialog with application and operating system version information, Copy Version option, and People tab
+ Check for Updates dialog with the current version information and the option for checking the HTML-Kit site for new versions
+ Basic status bar with hints for menu options
+ Ability to remember the position and size of windows, such as Active Preview, Internal Browser Window and About, within the session
+ Initial conversion of primary HTML-Kit icons/themes
+ Initial integration with Scintilla syntax highlighters
+ Initial integration with Mozilla Gecko rendering engine